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8 common mistakes to avoid when buying plants from Nursery

Next time you go to the nursery, remember these common mistakes & do take care.

Here are the 8 most common mistakes to be avoided !

1. The leaves tell you more

When the leaves are limp, wilted, yellow, brown or black it means that the plant is either thirsty or it is suffering from a disease of some kind. So, be careful and check the leaves carefully.

2. Avoid leggy and lanky plants

It is good to avoid leggy and lanky plants as these plants might have grown up in an insufficient light or may be a victim of over-fertilization and will invite pests and diseases to your garden.

3. The quality of the Garden Centre / Nursery in general

The quality of the Garden Centre / Nursery is important. It may sound stupid, but you should see how they organized the Nursery, are there many pots fallen, and check the quality of the soil they keep the plants in.

4. Look for pests and diseases

The pests or insects are usually hidden on the underside of the leaves or at the growing tips of the plants. Check for common pests including aphids, scales, mites etc.

We do not want to bring in plants that would be infested & in turn infest all our plants.

5. Roots will tell you everything

When checking the roots, examine their color. If the roots are soft or brown they are not the right for you.

6. Don’t buy plants in full bloom

Choose plants with healthy foliage instead of buying fully established plants just because they look adorable.

Fully established plants could be over their life cycle, choose with buds & fresh shoots / growth to ensure quick adaptation to surroundings once they arrive home.

7. Ask, ask and ask

Having some doubts? Not sure what would suit your garden best, or having some other issue or simply you are curious? Ask some of the nursery employees, they’ll be happy to help! Ask all kinds of questions to check on the plant history, current stage & future growth. Also check with them on plant care on species specific inputs for you to customize your care. Do take notes, in case you come across some specific recommendations & follow them fully.

8. Check out the weeds

If there are weeds in the pot, your option is to not buy that plant. Just removing weeds might be a quick fix, but does not eliminate the possibility of future occurrences.

Visit for more details. Do try our range of products for complete plant care.

We endeavor & encourage people to Go Green Organically & Naturally. Go Healthy. Go Safe. Stay in Control.

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